Everything here is intended to feel like it could have been part of the vanilla game all along, but it also supports alternate start mods. He currently works under Kyr, and is the partner of Eisa Blackthorn. I was loaded with gold so I tried to buy all of the buildings at once. Hell, I even liked adventuring with Lydia. As a mod it was created by a player using many of the same tools as Bethesda the game's authors. Skyrim SE - Village Overhaul - Mod… Move him through rooms and kill all enemies in each level to Skyrim SE Xbox mods Blackthorn completed YouTube, blackthorn skyrim mods. A letter on the table near the entrance will provide more information as to why Inigo is there.

He fled into the tunnels below the ruin, with the bandit leader in pursuit. She and the others were forced to flee after a failed mutiny.

And as is, for it to work properly I had to delete a few other of my mods cause I really enjoyed the Blackthorn mod. RELATED: Skyrim: The Top 10 Weapons & Armor Mods So Far.